What TBC Is All About

We here at TBC are true to the King James Bible.We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. All of our preaching and teaching is centered around the Fundamental Doctrines of the Bible.
Our Pastor, Dr. Ron Dobbs, has studied, preached, and taught the Bible for over 40 years.We are committed to the Lord Jesus Christ to stand true to the Bible in all our work both at home and abroad.In addition to the preaching of the Gospel each week here at TBC, we have started a Missions Program to support Missionaries around the world.
Please pray that the Lord will continue to bless all the Ministries here at TBC and that with these blessings we will be able to continue spreading His glorious message to a lost and dying world.
Ministries Here At TBC
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for visiting the TBC website. We extend an invitation to you and your family to visit us here at TBC to worship with us and hear the gospel preached the way it was intended to be....teaching others about the love of Jesus Christ and the need of salvation in our lives.
We have a variety of services here at TBC tailored to fit your family needs. We have an adult bible study that gets to the very heart of God's word...helping us to grow and mature in our Christian lives.
TBC is also the home of the International Tract Ministry, a ministry founded by Dr. Lemuel Grimes. Thousands of souls have come to the saving knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ through this blessed ministry. For more information on how to order tracts or for more information about the tract ministry and it's goals, please visit the International Tract Ministry Website from our link on this page.
If you are looking for a new church home....or just a church to visit when you are in the Downriver area, we would love to have you visit us here at Temple Baptist Church.We hope to see you soon!
Dr.Ron Dobbs